new beginnings

July 13, 2015

It is done! A new layout and a new space! After hours and hours of thinking and rethinking, new ideas, old ideas, coding-despair and bug-solving, red wine and white wine ... here it is, my new space! For a while now I had the feeling that it was time for a change. For a new place where I can put together my pictures, my memories, parts of me.

It is a bit like moving in real life. Or like spring-cleaning. After taking the first steps out of the comfort-zone, it feels fresh and light and new. And what could better add to the feeling of freshness than pictures from the cold and breezy North Sea?! So, here we are: off to new adventures!

When I visited Norderney, one of the beautiful Frisian islands in the North of Germany, it was love at the first sight. Since there is a direct train from Berlin you can leave Berlin in the early morning hours and board the ferry with the late afternoon sunbeams. It is always a very special moment to be back at the sea and smell the salt of the water. I'll never tire of this. And also not of long walks along the beach, making friends with the sea gulls and watching the waves and the clouds ...


  1. Congratulations Nancy! I love the fresh look, and the new name!

  2. As usual your images give me goosebumps. So full of energy and beauty. Stunning. Love the new site (and name!). Can't wait to see more. Warm greetings from a very hot Italy, Jill x

    1. Thank you, Jill! I'm happy you say so! Warm greetings from a cold Berlin! ;)

  3. Wow ich hab selten so schöne Bilder von Norderney gesehen! Und das neue Layout finde ich auch richtig schön :)
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Dir! :) Liebe Grüße zurück! PS: Bald kommen noch mehr Norderney-Bilder ... ;)

  4. uh, richtig schönes, neues design. natürlich verfolge ich deinen wunderschönen blog auch weiterhin - deine fotografie ist einfach was besonderes und ich freue mich auf das weitere abenteuer mit/durch deine bilder :)

  5. super. mir gefaellts. und tolles layout!

  6. Congratulations! I had just left a comment on your old blog about new beginnings and I was surprised to see it was the title of your first entry! It's great that you also "imported" your old blog here! :)
