analogue friday // the black forest

March 04, 2016

Today I share a film with you that I took on a trip to the Black Forest. I love how the film covered the shadows and at the same time brings out the details (like clouds) in the highlights, too. That was a challenge for me when I took pictures with my digital camera: The deep dark forest against the bright sky. It almost drove me crazy, because digitally-wise I had to decide if I wanted to bring out the details in the forest/on the ground or the clouds in the sky. I was all the more surprised when the analogue ones came out so well. And I'm also surprised I didn't show these here earlier :)

You can find my digital pictures and some more words on the location in my other post 
here and here

Have a nice weekend!

Analogue nerdiness: shot on an Agfa Vista 200 with a Zenit E 


  1. endlich wieder Freitag :) schön! wie digitalisierst du eigentlich deine Fotos? südöstliche Grüße, A.

    1. Freut mich :)
      Ich lass mir zusätzlich zum entwickeln immer gleich noch eine CD machen. Das geht aber leider ganz schön ins Geld, daher muss ich mir da noch was günstigeres einfallen lassen...

  2. amazing colours, dear! :) Great job!

  3. So far my favourite of your analogue Fridays! These photos are a dream, Nancy! They seem straight out of a Wes Anderson movie! ♥

  4. I love the colours on these. Just the other day I was thinking that I have to visit the Black Forest when I move to Germany. This post confirmed I was right.

    1. I'm happy you like these! And, yes, the Black Forest is really a wonderful place!
