
November 11, 2014

My first memory of the fallen wall is a drive to Berlin with my parents, all excited and in high spirits, but then the memory blurs again as it is with childhood memories, only hot spots of the past. My next real encounter with this part of history was years later in India. Someone learned that I was from Germany and told me he remembered very clearly when his whole village sat together before a TV watching the live news from Berlin not knowing what would come of it. This was the first time I really realised how big and at the same time small this world really is - how we are all here together.

Last weekend in Berlin was special. Very.

When I opened my pictures after this weekend, at first I was disappointed since I had had other expectations. But looking through them, bit by bit, I realised they were exactly what I felt and saw. Surreal, colourful, emotional, blurred.


  1. I think that your pictures are perfect. I too remember watching it all unfold on TV, though I think I was much older than you . The wall coming down will always symbolize that good things can still happen in spite of all of the craziness that we see in the world every day. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love your pics. I wish I had been in Berlin last weekend. I have spotty memories of the fall of the wall too. only in retrospect did I realize that it was one of those world-changing events that don't happen often. like 9-11. I always thought it funny when older Americans told me they remembered exactly where they were, what they did or who they were with when the news broke that JFK had been assassinated, for me it's the same with the fall of the wall and 9-11. the former is vague but i do remember.

  3. ich bin froh, dass du dir das mit der ''Enttäuschung über deine Bilder'' nochmal verkniffen hast, denn wenn ich mir diese anschaue ist Enttäuschung wohl das letzte, was ich fühle. - besonders das fünfte und letzte bild sind atemberaubend (aber eigentlich sind das alle). ich finde es einfach irgendwie richtig schön, wie du die menschen eingefangen hast, ihre gefühle und bewegungen, während sie dabei waren etwas ganz anderes zu tun (so nach dem motto: 'you are who you are when no one is looking')

  4. Completely magical use of long exposures. <3

  5. Oh Süsse, vor lauter Stress komm ich hier weder zu regelmässigen Besuchen, noch solche grossartigen Ereignisse zu besuchen, aber dank Dir und Deinen hervorragenden Bilder, bin ich immer mit dabei!!! Es ist, als wäre ich da gewesen, da Du die Stimmung so fein eingefangen hast, WUNDERBAR!!!!

  6. Lovely photos, especially that last one! I wasn't yet born when the wall came down, so it doesn't really mean a lot to me, but fascinating that people as far flung as India were glued to their TV screens following the story!
